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Lung adenocarcinoma and AI

What is lung adenocarcinoma: Lung adenocarcinoma is the most common malignant tumor arising in the lungs.Such tumor is composed of out of control epithelial cells that proliferate in lung tissues

The Glioblastoma

The Glioblastomas, a type of glioma, are malignant tumors that affect the brain. Today the treatments involve surgical treatment first, which is then followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy; thereafter, the

Air pollution and cancer

The air pollution plays an important role in the development of lung cancer in nonsmokers. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 250,000 deaths worldwide due to air

Malignant and benign tumors

Benign and malignant tumors are united by uncontrolled cell proliferation, which, in both cases, presents a mass.  However, there are fundamental differences.Benign tumors do not have the ability to invade

What causes cancer?

Talking about what brings to cancer it’s important to underline that there is not a single cause for cancer.          There are multiple factors that could bring

What is cancer?

Among many diseases cancer is probably the one that scares the most. Do we really know what it truly is? Cancer is a multifactorial disease and can have origin in

The ovarian cancer

Its origins: Ovarian cancer originates as a result of uncontrolled proliferation of the cells that make up the ovary. The “Global Cancer Statistics 2020” report, a collaboration between the American

Oncology simplified with logic.

As a biology student deepening my scientific interests, I wanted to make them more understandable to people outside this field.

So I thought of opening, a site where scientific topics are explained as simply as possible on the basis of authoritative sources on the subject.

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