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Exercise Powers Immunity to Fight Cancer

Could regular physical activity be more than just a way to stay fit? Imagine it becoming a secret weapon in the battle against cancer. Recent discoveries reveal that exercise not

The two faces of interferon γ, part 2

In the first part, we focused on the dual role of IFNγ in the TME, now we analyze some cells that produce it instead. Numerous subpopulations of immune cells produce

The two faces of interferon γ, part 1

Today the immunotherapy succeeds in providing benefit to cancer patients and in some cases leading to complete tumor elimination. However, there are some exceptions, in fact some patients do not

A new immunotherapy frontier

After Covid-19, the term “vaccine” also became popular in non-scientific fields. While many studies have been conducted, even today it may not be clear to everyone how a vaccine works.

Discovering MOv18 IgE

Nowadays  new cancer therapies see the engagement of our immune system to fight this disease. For example, monoclonal antibodies represent a type of treatment to suppress cancer cell activity and

Immunotherapy, a new weapon

There is a new way, there is a new type of treatment for fighting cancer, this is the immunotherapy. Immunotherapy can be called immune-oncology if applied to oncology, but how

Tumor Necrosis Factor

Interestingly, if inflammation occurs in our body, for example due to the appearance of a tumor mass, several proteins come into play. Some may play an active role in stopping

Oncology simplified with logic.

As a biology student deepening my scientific interests, I wanted to make them more understandable to people outside this field.

So I thought of opening, a site where scientific topics are explained as simply as possible on the basis of authoritative sources on the subject.

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