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Tumor Necrosis Factor

Interestingly, if inflammation occurs in our body, for example due to the appearance of a tumor mass, several proteins come into play. Some may play an active role in stopping the inflammatory process or act as biomolecular markers. One such protein is tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which belongs to the cytokine group, and has an […]

p53, the genome keeper

p53 is an incredible protein whose function is to stop the neoplastic transformation and tumor progression. It acts like a collector of stress inputs and coordinator of pathways that protect cellular homeostasis and genome stability. The missense mutations in the TP53 gene are very dangerous because a mutant p53 protein lose its tumor suppressive activities. […]


Paclitaxel, commonly known as Taxol, is a drug used for the treatment of cancer like the ovarian and breast cancer. Taxol acts by disrupting microtubule structure, ultimately resulting in cancer cell death. The drug was discovered between the 1960s and 1980s, as a result of an extensive plant screening during which as many as 15.000 […]

Malignant and benign tumors

Benign and malignant tumors are united by uncontrolled cell proliferation, which, in both cases, presents a mass.  However, there are fundamental differences.Benign tumors do not have the ability to invade adjacent tissues and spread throughout the body. In this case, metastasis formation does not occur.In addition, the cells of these tumors tend to retain the […]

Nitrates and nitrites, let’s clarify

In nature, nitrates and nitrites are substances composed of nitrogen and oxygen found in water and soil, so it is perfectly understandable how easy it is to introduce them into our bodies. Later, the use of nitrites and nitrates, even in a synthetic form, was also introduced to the food industry by using them as […]

What causes cancer?

Talking about what brings to cancer it’s important to underline that there is not a single cause for cancer.          There are multiple factors that could bring to development of cancer, like: genetic mutations that could increase the risk of causing cancer; factors linked to the environment like the exposure to radiations […]

What is cancer?

Among many diseases cancer is probably the one that scares the most. Do we really know what it truly is? Cancer is a multifactorial disease and can have origin in whatever body site. It consists in the uncontrolled cells proliferation and in their spread in the organism.  It’s a pathology strictly linked to the organism […]

The ovarian cancer

Its origins: Ovarian cancer originates as a result of uncontrolled proliferation of the cells that make up the ovary. The “Global Cancer Statistics 2020” report, a collaboration between the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), shows that globally this cancer accounts for about 3% to 4% of all […]

Oncology simplified with logic.

As a biology student deepening my scientific interests, I wanted to make them more understandable to people outside this field.

So I thought of opening, a site where scientific topics are explained as simply as possible on the basis of authoritative sources on the subject.

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