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Health going up in smoke

The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is about 5 euros. To most of us this may not seem like much, but let’s think about it more, how much is our health worth? Is it worth less than 5 euros? I think we all agree that health is priceless. Each of us is aware […]

Discovering MOv18 IgE

Nowadays  new cancer therapies see the engagement of our immune system to fight this disease. For example, monoclonal antibodies represent a type of treatment to suppress cancer cell activity and alert the immune system; they can block the activation of different mechanisms within the cancer cell, such as uncontrolled proliferation. Today the monoclonal antibodies approved […]

The role of the Y chromosome

The Y chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes in mammals. Its presence may explain why some types of cancers have a higher lethality in men than in women. Several studies have been conducted in both human and mouse models to support this theory.On June 21, 2023 two studies about the correlation between the Y chromosome […]

Immunotherapy, a new weapon

There is a new way, there is a new type of treatment for fighting cancer, this is the immunotherapy. Immunotherapy can be called immune-oncology if applied to oncology, but how does it work? This kind of therapy aims to prevent, control and eliminate cancer, harnessing the power of our own immune system. There isn’t just […]

Lung adenocarcinoma and AI

What is lung adenocarcinoma: Lung adenocarcinoma is the most common malignant tumor arising in the lungs.Such tumor is composed of out of control epithelial cells that proliferate in lung tissues in an unregulated way and accumulate mutations at the DNA. This disease in most cases originates in alveolar and bronchial tissues, but if not detected […]

We are what we eat

An active lifestyle combined with proper nutrition in addition to allowing the optimal performance of our body’s needs can also play an important role against certain diseases such as cancer. This correlation has been extensively studied and confirmed by the scientific community so much so that the World Cancer Research Fund has compiled a vademecum […]

The Glioblastoma

The Glioblastomas, a type of glioma, are malignant tumors that affect the brain. Today the treatments involve surgical treatment first, which is then followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy; thereafter, the patient must undergo maintenance chemotherapy.This type of cancer, after being treated, very often recurs in the form of recurrence. This occurs when quiescent tumor cells […]

A matter of weight

“We are what we eat“ it is a well-known statement by german philosopher Ludwig Fuerbach. Nutrition sometimes has not much importance unless one is on a path aimed at losing weight. However a balanced diet plays a key role in health. A balanced caloric intake in addition to making you longer-lived and protects against a […]

Air pollution and cancer

The air pollution plays an important role in the development of lung cancer in nonsmokers. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 250,000 deaths worldwide due to air pollution. A study published on “Nature” 6 of April 2023 showed how pollutant particles in the air can interact with pneumocytes, then leading to tumor […]

“In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas”

“In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas” is a phrase attributed to the latin poet Horatio and means “In wine there is truth, in water there is health”. An ancient quote but still true. Alcohol is one of those discoveries that is difficult to attribute and locate over time but has never left us. Who hasn’t […]

Oncology simplified with logic.

As a biology student deepening my scientific interests, I wanted to make them more understandable to people outside this field.

So I thought of opening, a site where scientific topics are explained as simply as possible on the basis of authoritative sources on the subject.

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