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We are what we eat

An active lifestyle combined with proper nutrition in addition to allowing the optimal performance of our body’s needs can also play an important role against certain diseases such as cancer. This correlation has been extensively studied and confirmed by the scientific community so much so that the World Cancer Research Fund has compiled a vademecum […]

The Glioblastoma

The Glioblastomas, a type of glioma, are malignant tumors that affect the brain. Today the treatments involve surgical treatment first, which is then followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy; thereafter, the patient must undergo maintenance chemotherapy.This type of cancer, after being treated, very often recurs in the form of recurrence. This occurs when quiescent tumor cells […]

Oncology simplified with logic.

As a biology student deepening my scientific interests, I wanted to make them more understandable to people outside this field.

So I thought of opening, a site where scientific topics are explained as simply as possible on the basis of authoritative sources on the subject.

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